The problem with most cases involving workplace discrimination is that they are not terribly obvious. As a general rule, employers aren’t going to send a memo to an employee, in writing, saying “we are firing you because we don’t approve of your sexual orientation,” or “because you have become too old.” If employers were this transparent, employment discrimination cases would be easy.

But employers don’t communicate this clearly or honestly. When employers discriminate, they almost always use other reasons for their actions. If you have been fired for something that seems too small or insignificant, you could be a victim of discrimination.

A Recent Discrimination Case

The Denver Post recently reported on an age discrimination case against United Airlines. In this case, two employees with outstanding service records that spanned over decades were both fired by United for remarkably small infractions.

The lawsuit claimed that the reasons for the firings were really just s smokescreen covering up clear cases of age discrimination.

According to the Post, the jury agreed that United was guilty of age discrimination, awarding the two plaintiffs a total of $1.5 million, which includes legal fees to be paid by defendant United Airlines.

How to Spot Discrimination

Although not every poor firing is a result of discrimination, being fired for something seemingly insignificant could be a sign that you are a victim of discrimination.

Especially if you are part of a protected class – a minority, member of a faith tradition that could face persecution, elderly, etc. – a sudden firing for seemingly insignificant causes could be a tip off that you have been discriminated against.

The best thing to do if you think you might be a discrimination victim is talk to someone with experience in these matters, determine if you have a case and fight to protect your rights in the workplace.

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Los Angeles Employment Attorney

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